Browse Iconclass subject tree
The artworks on this Catalogue are subject indexed using the Iconclass Classification System.
1154 | the gate of heaven, entrance to heaven, 'porta coeli' |
11B1*A | Shield of the Trinity (Scutum Fidei) |
11B112 | three interlocked circles - Trinity |
11B3 | Holy Trinity in which one, two or all figures are represented in human shape |
11B3231 | Trinity in which God the Father and Christ are represented as persons, the Holy Ghost as dove - God the Father holding the crucifix |
11C11 | the all-seeing eye, triangle with eye - symbol of God the Father |
11C12 | hand, 'Dextera Dei' ~ symbol of God the Father |
11C16 | alpha and omega - symbol of God the Father |
11C23 | God the Father as bearded old man, usually with crown or tiara or sceptre and/or globe |
11D112 | Chrismon and derived forms - symbol of Christ |
11D113 | IHS ('Iesus Hominum Salvator') - symbol of Christ |
11D114 | 'Ichthys' - symbol of Christ |
11D121 | cross as symbol of Christ |
11D123(CELTIC) | Celtic wheel cross - the cross - symbols of Christ |
11D123(FLOWERING) | living, or flowering cross - symbols of Christ |
11D131(PELICAN) | Pelican in her Piety |
11D1311 | lamb bearing cross or banner, 'Agnus Dei' - symbol of Christ |
11D2 | Christ as child or youth (in general) |
11D26 | Christ as youth |
11D3 | Christ as adult - not in biblical context |
11D32*A | I stand at the door and knock': image derived from William Holman Hunt's 'The Light of the World' |
11D32*B | Standing figure of the Risen Christ in Glory, sometimes with mandorla, perhaps with arms raised or outstretched. |
11D321 | Majestas Domini': Christ in mandorla seated on a rainbow or sphere |
11D321*A | 'Majestas Domini': Christ in mandorla standing on a rainbow or sphere |
11D322 | Christ enthroned - eg 'Christus Rex', as judge |
11D3221 | 'Pantocrator', Christ enthroned, making a speaking or blessing gesture and holding a book |
11D3221*A | Christ in majesty, making a speaking or blessing gesture and holding a book (standing figure) |
11D3223*A | Christ as (heavenly) judge - standing figure |
11D324 | 'Salvator Mundi', making a blessing gesture; an orb in his hand or at his feet |
11D3251 | Christ with chalice, and bread or Host |
11D327*A | Christ as the sower - particular types of adult Christ - human occupations |
11D327*B | Christ gathering the harvest - particular types of adult Christ - human occupations |
11D3271 | Christ as Good Shepherd |
11D3278 | Christ as pilgrim |
11D33*A | adult Christ receiving the dead into heaven |
11D334 | adult Christ together with apostles, evangelists, saints, etc. |
11D334*A | Christ with Mary and John - adult Christ together with apostles, evangelists, saints, etc. |
11D351 | Crucified Christ suffering (with crown of thorns) |
11D351*A | Crucified Christ suffering (without the crown of thorns) |
11D353 | crucified Christ (in non-narrative context): Christ triumphing (with crown, head usually upright) |
11D355 | Christ crucified on a tree or on a vine |
11D422 | the Sacred Heart |
11DD3 | Christ as adult - Christ beardless |
11DD324 | 'Salvator Mundi', making a blessing gesture; an orb in his hand or at his feet - DD - Christ beardless |
11DD3251 | Christ with chalice, and bread or Host - Christ beardless |
11DD3271 | Christ as Good Shepherd - Christ beardless |
11E1 | Holy Ghost represented as a dove |
11E3 | Holy Ghost represented in human shape |
11E5 | the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost |
11E544 | 'Fortitudo', Fortitude - one of the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost |
11F11*A | Flowers of the Virgin Mary - symbols of Mary |
11F21 | Mary as child |
11F23 | upright figures of Mary without the Christ-child |
11F232 | Immaculata', 'Purisima': Mary, usually standing on a crescent moon, descending from heaven, exempt from original sin (sometimes trampling serpent) |
11F234 | pregnant Mary, Christ-child visible |
11F241 | Our Lady of the Sorrows |
11F252*A | Mary's heart pierced by a sword |
11F3*A | Mary, together with others, kneeling in adoration of Christ |
11F32 | Mary together with mortals, who adore her, or implore her to help |
11F41 | Madonna: Mary standing (or half-length), Christ-child close to her bosom |
11F42 | Madonna: Mary sitting or enthroned, the Christ-child in her lap |
11F42(+5) | Madonna: Mary sitting or enthroned, the Christ-child in her lap (+ donor(s), supplicant(s), whether or not with patron saint(s)) |
11F4221 | Mary sitting or enthroned, the Christ-child standing on her knee (Christ-child to Mary's left) |
11F44 | Madonna: Mary (standing) with the Christ-child free-standing (or leaning against her) |
11F453 | Mary kneeling (on the ground), the Christ-child lying in front of her |
11F726 | Christ-child suckling, or beginning to suckle |
11F741 | John the Baptist as child - Madonna-representations |
11F82*A | Our Lady of Lourdes - appearances of Mary |
11F91 | sacred heart of Mary |
11G | angels |
11G11 | Seraphim |
11G18 | the seven Archangels |
11G181 | group of four Archangels |
11G182 | group of three canonical Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael |
11G183 | the Archangel Michael |
11G184 | the Archangel Gabriel |
11G185 | the Archangel Raphael |
11G186(BARACHIEL) | Barachiel, archangel |
11G186(JEHUDIEL) | Jehudiel, archangel |
11G186(URIEL) | Uriel, archangel |
11G31 | St Michael the Archangel fighting the dragon (devil, Satan) |
11G32 | St Michael the Archangel (and other angels) casting the rebel angels out of heaven |
11H(AELHAIARN) | St Aelhaiarn |
11H(AFAN) | St Afan |
11H(ALBAN) | St Alban |
11H(ALBAN)6 | St Alban - martyrdom, suffering, misfortune and death |
11H(ALOYSIUS GONZAGA) | St Aloysius Gonzaga |
11H(AMBROSE) | St Ambrose, bishop of Milan |
11H(ANDREW) | St Andrew, apostle |
11H(ANTONY OF PADUA) | St Antony of Padua |
11H(ANTONY OF PADUA)51 | St Antony of Padua leads an ass before the chalice and host |
11H(ASAPH) | St Asaph |
11H(AUGUSTINE OF CANTERBURY) | St Augustine of Canterbury |
11H(AUGUSTINE) | St Augustine, bishop of Hippo |
11H(AUGUSTINE)2 | St Augustine, early life |
11H(BARNABAS) | St Barnabas of Cyprus, first bishop of Milan |
11H(BARTHOLOMEW) | St Bartholomew, apostle |
11H(BASIL THE GREAT) | St Basil the Great (Basilius Magnus), bishop of Caesarea |
11H(BENEDICT) | St Benedict of Nurcia |
11H(BERNARD) | St Bernard of Clairvaux |
11H(BEUNO) | St Beuno |
11H(BODFAN) | St Bodfan |
11H(BONAVENTURA) | St Bonaventura |
11H(BOTOLPH) | St Botolph |
11H(BRYCHAN) | Brychan Brycheiniog |
11H(BRYNACH) | St Brynach |
11H(BUAN) | St Buan, confessor |
11H(CADFAN) | St Cadfan, abbot of Bardsey |
11H(CADMARCH) | St Cadmarch |
11H(CADOG) | St Cadog |
11H(CADWALADR) | St Cadwaladr |
11H(CANUTE) | St Canute |
11H(CARADOG) | St Caradog |
11H(CARANNOG) | St Carannog |
11H(CENYDD) | St Cenydd |
11H(CHAD) | St Chad |
11H(CHARLES BORROMEO) | St Charles Borromeo, cardinal of Milan |
11H(CHRISTOPHER) | St Christopher, the giant and martyr Christophorus |
11H(CHRISTOPHER)51 | St Christopher, with the infant Christ on his shoulders |
11H(CHRYSANTHUS) | St Chrysanthus |
11H(CLEMENT) | Clement I, pope and martyr |
11H(COLLEN) | St Collen |
11H(COLUMBA) | St Columba |
11H(CONSTANTINE) | Constantine the Great, Roman emperor |
11H(CURIG) | St Curig |
11H(CYBI) | St Cybi |
11H(CYFELACH) | St Cyfelach |
11H(CYNDEYRN) | St Cyndeyrn, or Kentigern |
11H(CYNIDR) | St Cynidr |
11H(CYNOG) | St Cynog |
11H(CYNWYL) | St Cynwyl |
11H(DAVID LEWIS) | St David Lewis |
11H(DAVID) | St David |
11H(DEINIOL) | St Deiniol |
11H(DEMETRIUS) | St Demetrius |
11H(DENYS) | St Denys of France |
11H(DIGAIN) | St Digain |
11H(DOGFAN) | St Dogfan |
11H(DOGMAEL) | St Dogmael |
11H(DONAT) | St Donat |
11H(DUNAWD) | St Dunawd |
11H(DYFRIG) | St Dyfrig |
11H(EDMUND) | St Edmund, king of East Anglia and martyr |
11H(EDWARD) | Edward the Confessor |
11H(EDWARD)511 | St Edward the Confessor gives his ring to St John the Evangelist |
11H(ELFAN) | St Elfan |
11H(ELFOD) | St Elfod (Elbotus) |
11H(ELIAN) | St Elian |
11H(ELIDAN) | St Elidan |
11H(EUDDOGWY) | St Euddogwy or Oudoceus |
11H(FIDELIS) | St Fidelis of Sigmaringen |
11H(FRANCIS) | St Francis of Assisi |
11H(GEORGE) | St George |
11H(GEORGE)41 | St George and the dragon |
11H(GERMANUS) | St Germanus of Auxerre, or Garmon |
11H(GILDAS) | St Gildas |
11H(GILES) | St Giles |
11H(GREGORY THE ENLIGHTENER) | St Gregory the Enlightener, or Illuminator, apostle of Armenia |
11H(GREGORY) | St Gregory the Great |
11H(GUDWAL) | St Gudwal |
11H(GWYNAN) | St Gwynan |
11H(GWYNHOEDL) | St Gwynhoedl |
11H(GWYNLLYW) | St Gwynllyw |
11H(HUGH OF LINCOLN) | St Hugh of Lincoln |
11H(IDLOES) | St Idloes |
11H(IGNATIUS) | St Ignatius of Loyola |
11H(ILLTUD) | St Illtud |
11H(ISSELL) | St Issell, or Usyllt |
11H(JAMES THE GREAT) | James the Great, apostle |
11H(JAMES THE LESS) | James the Less, apostle |
11H(JEROME) | St Jerome (Hieronymus) |
11H(JOHN CHRYSOSTOM) | St John Chrysostom, the archbishop of Constantinople |
11H(JOHN LLOYD) | St John Lloyd |
11H(JOHN OF THE CROSS) | St John of the Cross |
11H(JOHN THE BAPTIST) | St John the Baptist |
11H(JOHN THE BAPTIST)2 | St John the Baptist as a child |
11H(JOHN) | St John the Evangelist, apostle |
11H(JOHN)12 | St John the Evangelist writing the Gospel. |
11H(JOSEPH OF ARIMATHAEA) | St Joseph of Arimathaea, Jewish councillor |
11H(JOSEPH) | St Joseph of Nazareth, foster-father of Christ |
11H(JOSEPH)11 | St Joseph as foster-father of Christ |
11H(JUDE THADDAEUS) | St Jude Thaddaeus, apostle |
11H(JUDOC) | St Judoc, hermit |
11H(JULIAN) | St Julian the Hospitaller (Julian(us) Hospitator) |
11H(JUSTINIAN) | St Justinian |
11H(LAURENCE) | St Laurence, martyr and deacon of Rome |
11H(LLEUDDAD) | St Lleuddad, abbot of Bardsey |
11H(LLWCHAIARN) | St Llwchaiarn |
11H(LONGINUS) | St Longinus, centurion of Caesarea |
11H(LUKE) | St Luke the evangelist |
11H(LUKE)12 | St Luke writing his gospel |
11H(LUKE)121 | St Luke writing his gospel, St Paul present |
11H(MADOG) | St Madog, or St Aidan of Ferns |
11H(MAEL) | St Mael |
11H(MAELOG) | St Maelog |
11H(MAGLORIUS) | St Maglorius |
11H(MARK) | St Mark (Marcus) the evangelist, and bishop of Alexandria |
11H(MARK)12 | St Mark the evangelist writing the Gospel |
11H(MARK)121 | St Mark writing the Gospel, Peter present |
11H(MARTIN) | St Martin(us), bishop of Tours |
11H(MARTIN)41 | St Martin divides his cloak |
11H(MATTHEW) | St Matthew (Mattheus), apostle and evangelist |
11H(MATTHEW)12 | St Matthew writing the Gospel |
11H(MATTHIAS) | St Matthias, apostle and martyr |
11H(MAURICE) | St Maurice of Agaunum |
11H(NICHOLAS) | St Nicholas of Myra |
11H(OSWALD) | St Oswald, king of Northumbria and martyr |
11H(PADARN) | St Padarn |
11H(PATRICK) | St Patrick |
11H(PAUL) | Paul of Tarsus, apostle |
11H(PAUL)12 | St Paul writing his epistles |
11H(PAULINUS) | St Paulinus |
11H(PEBLIG) | St Peblig |
11H(PERIS) | St Peris |
11H(PETER) | St Peter, apostle and first bishop of Rome |
11H(PETROG) | St Petrog |
11H(PHILIP EVANS) | St Philip Evans |
11H(PHILIP POWELL) | Philip Powell |
11H(PHILIP) | St Philip, apostle |
11H(POTENTINUS) | St Potentinus |
11H(RHIDIAN) | St Rhidian |
11H(RHYCHWYN) | St Rhychwyn |
11H(RHYSTUD) | St Rhystud |
11H(RICHARD GWYN) | St Richard Gwyn |
11H(RICHARD OF CHICHESTER) | St Richard of Chichester |
11H(SAMSON) | St Samson |
11H(SANNAN) | St Senan |
11H(SEBASTIAN)621 | St Sebastian pierced by arrows |
11H(SEIRIOL) | St Seiriol |
11H(SILAS) | St Silas |
11H(SIMEON) | St Simeon Christophorus (the Just, the Grey) |
11H(SIMON) | St Simon Zelotes (or Simon the Canaanite), apostle |
11H(STEPHEN) | St Stephen, deacon and (proto)martyr |
11H(SULIEN) | St Sulien |
11H(SWITHUN) | St Swithun |
11H(TADIOC) | St Tadioc |
11H(TEGWELL) | St Tegwell |
11H(TEGWYN) | St Tegwyn |
11H(TEILO) | St Teilo |
11H(THEODORE) | St Theodore |
11H(THOMAS BECKET) | St Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury and martyr |
11H(THOMAS BECKET)68 | St Thomas Becket, martyrdom |
11H(THOMAS) | St Thomas, apostle |
11H(TIMOTHY)2 | St Timothy - early life |
11H(TRILLO) | St Trilo |
11H(TWROG) | St Twrog |
11H(TYDECHO) | St Tydecho |
11H(TYDECHO)6 | St Tydecho - martyrdom, suffering |
11H(TYRNOG) | St Tyrnog |
11H(TYSILIO) | St Tysilio |
11H(VALENTINE) | St Valentine |
11HH(AGNES) | St Agnes of Rome, virgin martyr |
11HH(AGNES)63 | St Agnes receives a white cloak |
11HH(AGNES)65 | St Agnes tied to the stake, remains unharmed |
11HH(ANNA THE PROPHETESS) | St Anna (prophetess) |
11HH(ANNA) | St Anna, mother of Mary |
11HH(APOLLONIA) | St Apollonia of Alexandria, virgin martyr |
11HH(BARBARA) | St Barbara, virgin martyr |
11HH(BRIGID) | St Brigid (Bridget) of Ireland |
11HH(CAIN) | St Cain or Keyne |
11HH(CATHERINE OF SIENA) | St Catherine of Siena, virgin and Dominican Tertiary |
11HH(CATHERINE) | St Catherine of Alexandria, virgin martyr |
11HH(CATHERINE)34 | St Catherine of Alexandria - mystic marriage |
11HH(CATHERINE)68 | St Catherine of Alexandria is beheaded |
11HH(CECILIA) | St Cecilia of Rome, virgin martyr |
11HH(CEINWEN) | St Ceinwen |
11HH(CLARE) | St Clare of Assisi |
11HH(DOROTHEA) | St Dorothea of Caesarea, virgin martyr |
11HH(EILIWEDD) | St Eliwedd, virgin martyr |
11HH(ELISABETH OF HUNGARY) | St Elisabeth of Hungary |
11HH(ELIZABETH) | Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist |
11HH(ELLI) | St Elli |
11HH(EMILY) | St Emily |
11HH(ERFYL) | St Erfyl |
11HH(EUNICE) | St Eunice, mother of Timothy |
11HH(FRANCES) | St Frances of Rome |
11HH(FRIDESWIDE) | St Frideswide |
11HH(GERTRUDE OF NIVELLES) | St Gertrude of Nivelles, abbess |
11HH(GERTRUDE) | St Gertrude the Great of Helfta |
11HH(GWENDOLINE) | St Gwendoline |
11HH(GWENFAEN) | St Gwenfaen |
11HH(GWENOG) | St Gwenog |
11HH(GWLADYS) | St Gwladys |
11HH(HELEN) | St Helen |
11HH(HILDA) | St Hilda |
11HH(JOAN OF ARC) | St Joan of Arc |
11HH(LLYR) | St Llyr |
11HH(LUCY) | St Lucy (Lucia) of Syracuse, virgin martyr |
11HH(LYDIA) | Lydia, seller of purple |
11HH(MACHES) | St Maches |
11HH(MARCHELL) | St Marchell |
11HH(MARGARET OF SCOTLAND) | St Margaret of Scotland |
11HH(MARGARET) | St Margaret of Antioch, virgin martyr |
11HH(MARTHA) | St Martha of Bethany |
11HH(MARY CLEOPHAS) | Mary Cleophas |
11HH(MARY MAGDALENE OF FLORENCE) | St Mary Magdalene of Florence |
11HH(MARY MAGDALENE) | St Mary Magdalene |
11HH(MELANGELL) | St Melangell |
11HH(MONICA) | St Monica |
11HH(NON) | St Non |
11HH(PERPETUA & FELICITAS) | St Perpetua and St Felicitas (Felicity) of Carthage, martyrs |
11HH(THERESA) | St Theresa of Avila |
11HH(THERESE) | St Therese of Lisieux |
11HH(TUDFUL) | St Tudful |
11HH(URSULA) | St Ursula |
11HH(WINEFRIDE) | St Winefride, St Gwenfrewy |
11I11 | the four major prophets (not in biblical context): Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel |
11I3 | the twelve apostles (as a group), usually with books or scrolls (not in biblical context) |
11I31 | symbolic representations of the twelve apostles, e.g.: twelve doves, twelve lambs |
11I41 | the four evangelists together (author portraits) |
11I42 | the four symbols of the evangelists, 'the apocalyptic beasts' |
11I421 | eagle (possibly with book) - symbol of St John |
11I422 | ox (possibly with book) - symbol of St Luke |
11I423 | lion (possibly with book) - symbol of St Mark |
11I424 | angel (possibly with book) - symbol of St Matthew |
11I51 | the four Latin (Western) Fathers of the Church together: Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine and Gregory the Great. |
11I52 | the four Greek (Eastern) Fathers of the Church together: Basil the Great, Gregory of Nazianzus, John Chrysostom and Athanasius the Great |
11I61121 | the twelve tribes of Israel (not in biblical context) |
11I62(AARON) | Aaron (not in biblical context) |
11I62(ABRAHAM) | Abraham (not in biblical context) |
11I62(ADAM & EVE) | Adam and Eve (not in biblical context) |
11I62(ADAM) | Adam (not in biblical context) |
11I62(DANIEL) | Daniel (not in biblical context) |
11I62(DAVID) | David (not in biblical context) |
11I62(DAVID)32 | David as musician, usually playing the harp |
11I62(ELIJAH) | Elijah (not in biblical context) |
11I62(EZEKIEL) | Ezekiel (not in biblical context) |
11I62(GIDEON) | Gideon (not in biblical context) |
11I62(ISAAC) | Isaac |
11I62(ISAIAH) | the prophet Isaiah (not in biblical context) |
11I62(JACOB) | Jacob (not in biblical context) |
11I62(JEREMIAH) | the prophet Jeremiah (not in biblical context) |
11I62(JESSE) | Jesse - father of David |
11I62(JOSHUA) | Joshua |
11I62(MELCHIZEDEK) | Melchizedek (not in biblical context) |
11I62(MICAH) | the prophet Micah (not in biblical context) |
11I62(MOSES) | Moses (not in biblical context) |
11I62(NATHAN) | Nathan (not in biblical context) |
11I62(NEHEMIAH) | Nehemiah |
11I62(NOAH) | Noah (not in biblical context) |
11I62(REHOBOAM) | Rehoboam, king of Judah |
11I62(SAMSON) | Samson |
11I62(SAMUEL) | Samuel |
11I62(SOLOMON) | Solomon (not in biblical context) |
11I62(ZADOK) | Zadok (not in biblical context) |
11I62(ZECHARIAH) | the prophet Zechariah (not in biblical context) |
11I63(BATHSHEBA) | Bathsheba (not in biblical context) |
11I63(HANNAH) | Hannah |
11I63(JOCHEBED) | Jochebed, the mother of Moses |
11I63(MIRIAM) | Miriam |
11I63(RUTH) | Ruth |
11I72(CORNELIUS) | Cornelius (not in biblical context) |
11I72(TIMOTHY) | Timothy |
11I72(ZACHARIAS) | Zacharias, father of John the Baptist |
11I73(DORCAS) | Dorcas (not in Biblical context) |
11I73(LOIS) | Lois, grandmother to Timothy |
11I73(PHOEBE) | Phoebe, deacon of Cenchrea |
11L211 | the ten commandments represented together on stone tablets |
11M3 | The Three Theological Virtues - faith, hope and charity |
11M31 | Faith - one of the Three Theological Virtues |
11M33 | Charity - one of the Three Theological Virtues |
11M44 | Justice, 'Justitia'; 'Giustitia divina' (Ripa) ~ one of the Four Cardinal Virtues |
11P118 | Ecclesia' and 'Synagoga', Church and Synagogue |
11P31131(CROSIER) | crosier - insignia of bishop |
11P31131(MITRE) | mitre - insignia of bishop |
11P3151 | abbey, monastery, convent - Roman Catholic church |
11P44331 | execution of heretic, e.g. by burning at the stake |
11Q2 | (private) prayer |
11Q22 | aids for prayer: rosary |
11Q51 | reading the Bible or other religious books |
11Q511 | the Bible as a book |
11Q651 | crucifix - personal devotion |
11Q711 | building of church |
11Q712 | church (exterior) |
11Q712*A | model of a church held by saint or donor figure |
11Q7129 | ruin of church, monastery, etc |
11Q71423 | altarcross, crucifix |
11Q71428 | censer - liturgical equipment of the church |
11Q71483*A | church bell (portable) |
11Q73124 | marriage - Protestant service |
11Q732 | the seven Sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church |
11Q7321 | baptism, christening ceremony - the first of the seven sacraments |
11Q73214 | baptismal font |
11Q7322 | confirmation - the second of the seven sacraments |
11Q7324 | the Eucharist - the fourth of the seven sacraments |
11Q73241 | the Eucharist - chalice bearing the Host |
11Q733 | preaching |
11Q7441*A | Te Deum Laudamus (Ambrosian Hymn) |
11Q75711 | choir (in church) |
11S15 | heaven represented as a city |
11U11 | representation of Last Judgement, with the archangel Michael weighing the souls (or dividing the blessed and the damned) |
11V | the (seven) Acts of Mercy - from Matthew 25 |
11V1 | feeding the hungry - one of the (seven) Acts of Mercy |
11V3 | sheltering strangers, 'hospes colligitur' - one of the (seven) Acts of Mercy |
11V4 | clothing the naked - one of the (seven) Acts of Mercy |
11V5 | visiting the sick - one of the (seven) Acts of Mercy |
21C | fire (one of the four elements) |
23U24 | clock |
24A | sun as celestial body |
24B | moon as celestial body |
24D | stars |
25A13 | globe |
25D31 | mine |
25D32 | miner |
25F(+36) | shell, snail-shell etc. |
25F2 | mammals |
25F23(BADGER) | beasts of prey, predatory animals: badger |
25F23(LION) | lion |
25F24(BOAR) | boar - hoofed animals |
25F24(DEER) | hoofed animals: deer |
25F24(STAG) | hoofed animals: stag |
25F26(HARE) | hare - rodents |
25F26(RABBIT) | rabbit - rodents |
25F3 | birds |
25F34 | owl |
25F35(PEACOCK) | peacock - ornamental birds |
25F36(SWAN) | water-birds: swan |
25F37(CORMORANT) | cormorant - shore-birds and wading-birds |
25F39(CUCKOO) | cuckoo |
25F39(DOVE) | dove |
25F42 | snakes |
25F44 | tortoises, turtles |
25F6 | fishes |
25F711(BUTTERFLY) | insects: butterfly |
25F711(DRAGONFLY) | dragonfly |
25FF241 | unicorn - fabulous animals |
25FF3(PHOENIX) | fabulous animals - birds: phoenix |
25FF422 | dragon (large fabulous serpent, sometimes with wings and legs) |
25G21 | fruits |
25G3 | trees |
25G3(PALM-TREE)*A | palm tree branch |
25G41 | flowers |
25G41(DAFFODIL) | daffodil |
25G41(LILY) | lily |
25H1 | landscapes |
25H11 | mountains |
25H13 | coast - landscape |
25H2 | landscapes with waters, waterscapes, seascapes (in the temperate zone) |
25I1 | city-view in general, landscape with city or town |
25I5 | landscape with tower or castle |
26B2 | rainbow |
31A211 | (human) skull |
31A2522 | hands folded |
31D112 | child |
34B11(DOG) | dog - domestic animal |
41A3281 | key |
41B31 | candle |
41B33 | lantern |
42A3 | mother and baby or young child |
43A31 | merry-go-round, roundabout; chair o'plane |
43C(+311) | receiving prize or crown of honours |
44B191 | crown (symbol of sovereignty) |
44B192 | sceptre, staff (symbol of sovereignty) |
44B193 | orb (symbol of sovereignty; sphere with cross on top) |
45A1 | war |
45B | the soldier; the soldier's life |
45C13(SWORD) | hacking and thrusting weapons: sword |
45C16(CANNON) | firearms: cannon |
45C19(SHIELD) | protective weapons: shield |
45C22 | armour |
46A15 | the poor |
46B311 | coin - money |
46C13141 | horse - animal mounts |
46C13142 | ass, donkey |
46C1441 | four-wheeled vehicle drawn by one animal |
46C15111 | freight train |
46C15112 | passenger train |
46C15121 | tram |
46C21 | ships |
46C215(ANCHOR) | anchor |
46C24 | sailing-ship, sailing-boat |
46C2711 | seaman |
46C362111 | pilot |
47I111 | cereal, grain, corn (grass with grains, grown for food, e.g.: wheat, rice, rye, oats, maize, buckwheat, millet) |
47I131 | sowing - agriculture |
47I14 | harvest |
47I213 | sheep |
47I2133 | lamb |
47I214 | goat |
47I2213 | shepherd's crook |
47I422 | vine |
47K | commercial fishery |
48C731 | string instruments (bowed) |
48C7321 | lyre, cithara, psaltery |
48C7322 | harp |
48C7334 | organ - keyboard instruments |
48C7352 | horn, trumpet, cornet, trombone, tuba |
49B | scholastic education, tuition |
49G43 | nurse |
49L71 | scroll |
49M3 | book |
49MM32 | book open |
54A8(+123) | Courage, Bravery, Valiance, Manliness (abstract concept represented by clothed male figure) |
57A611(+123) | Frankness, Loyalty (abstract concept represented by clothed male figure) |
61B2(ALFRED THE GREAT) | King Alfred the Great |
61B2(EDMWND PRYS) | Edmwnd Prys, Anglican priest |
61B2(EDWARD I) | King Edward I |
61B2(EDWARD THE BLACK PRINCE) | Edward the Black Prince, Prince of Wales |
61B2(EDWARD VII) | King Edward VII |
61B2(ELEUTHERIUS) | Pope Eleutherius, Bishop of Rome |
61B2(GERALD OF WALES) | Gerald of Wales (Giraldus Cambrensis) |
61B2(GIROLAMO SAVONAROLA) | Girolamo Savonarola |
61B2(HENRY DE GOWER) | Bishop Henry de Gower |
61B2(HENRY PARRY LIDDON) | Henry Parry Liddon - Canon of St Paul's Cathedral |
61B2(HENRY V) | King Henry V of England |
61B2(HUGH LATIMER) | Bishop Hugh Latimer |
61B2(LOUIS IX) | Louis IX of France, St Louis |
61B2(LUCIUS) | Lucius, British king |
61B2(NENNIUS) | Nennius |
61B2(PABO) | Pabo, early British king |
61B2(RICHARD I) | King Richard I of England |
61B2(TEWDRIG) | Tewdrig |
61B2(VENERABLE BEDE) | the Venerable Bede |
61BB2(FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE) | Florence Nightingale |
61F(BANGOR CATHEDRAL) | Bangor Cathedral |
61F(BODELWYDDAN CASTLE) | Bodelwyddan Castle |
61F(BRECON CATHEDRAL) | Brecon Cathedral |
61F(DOUAI ABBEY) | Douai Abbey |
61F(LICHFIELD CATHEDRAL) | Lichfield Cathedral |
61F(LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL) | Llandaff Cathedral |
61F(MUMBLES) | Mumbles |
61F(NEATH ABBEY) | Neath Abbey |
61F(NEATH COPPER WORKS) | Neath Copper Works |
61F(OYSTERMOUTH CASTLE) | Oystermouth Castle |
61F(ST ASAPH CATHEDRAL) | St Asaph's Cathedral, Denbighshire |
61F(ST DAVIDS CATHEDRAL) | St Davids Cathedral, Pembrokeshire |
71A532 | Eve reproved by God; Eve blames the serpent |
71A814 | Abel offering (alone) - the sacrifice of Cain and Abel |
71B3 | story of Noah |
71B3311 | the ark floating on the waters (destruction of mankind not visible) - story of Noah |
71B33111 | the ark - story of Noah |
71B33221 | the dove returns with an olive-branch - story of Noah |
71C117 | the meeting of Abraham and Melchizedek, the high priest and king of Salem, who brings bread and wine |
71C1272 | Sarah suckling Isaac |
71C13 | the sacrifice of Isaac |
71C13131 | when Abraham has his hand raised to kill Isaac, God or the hand of God restrains Abraham's hand - the sacrifice of Isaac |
71C1322 | Sarah's burial in the cave of Machpelah |
71C3121 | the dream of Jacob: while sleeping on the ground with a stone for pillow Jacob sees a ladder reaching from earth to heaven with angels going up and down |
71E1123 | Moses is exposed in the ark on the banks of the Nile; Miriam, Moses' sister, keeps watch |
71E1124 | the finding of Moses: Pharaoh's daughter comes to bathe with her maidens in the river and discovers the child floating on the water |
71E1142 | the burning bush - calling of Moses |
71E11422 | Moses, kneeling before the bush and hiding his face, listens to God - calling of Moses |
71E122 | the Exodus - passage through the Red Sea |
71E1232 | Miriam takes up a tambourine and dances; all the women follow her - journey of Israel to Mount Sinai |
71E1263*A | water pours from the rock - Moses striking water from the rock |
71E1343 | Moses receives the tables of the law from God |
71E1374 | Moses comes down with the new tablets and is awaited by Aaron and the assembled people, who notice that 'his face is shining' |
71E324 | the brazen serpent |
71F64 | Ruth in the field of Boaz |
71F8132 | Samuel in the temple at Shiloh presented to Eli by Hannah |
71H115 | Samuel anointing David in the presence of his father Jesse and his brothers |
71H116 | David as shepherd |
71H116*A | David slaying the lion and bear - David as shepherd |
71H1443 | David beheads Goliath with a sword - David fighting Goliath |
71H1451 | David brings Goliath's head to Saul |
71H151 | David and Jonathan, son of Saul, become friends |
71H23 | when Saul comes out of the cave, David calls him, falls down on his knees and shows him the piece of cloth - David at En-gedi |
71H332 | David and his men weep for the death of Saul and Jonathan, and tear their clothes - story of Saul's death |
71H5263 | three of David's heroes draw water out of the well of Bethlehem, during their stay in the cave Adullam; David pours the water out - the wars of David |
71H88321 | Solomon anointed king by Zadok and Nathan; all the people rejoice and blow their trumpets |
71H93 | David's prayer of thanks |
71I432 | temple of Solomon |
71I432121 | Solomon supervising the work - the building of the temple of Solomon |
71M12 | Elijah fed by the raven(s): while the prophet is living by the brook, ravens bring him food - story of Elijah |
71M4321 | as Elijah prays, God sends fire which burns up not only his sacrifice but also the altar itself; the people fall prostrate - story of Elijah - Elijah defies the priests of Baal |
71M84 | the ascension of Elijah: a chariot, horses of fire and a whirlwind appear and Elijah is carried up into heaven; Elijah's cloak falls (or he hands it over to Elisha) |
71N162 | Naaman comes to the Jordan, dips himself seven times and is cured |
71O321 | in the temple filled with smoke, the Lord sits on a throne; above it angels, each one with six wings - Isaiah's visions |
71P1342 | Benedicite: the prayer of the three Hebrews in the fiery furnace |
71T5 | the journey to Ecbatana - the book of Tobit |
71X1(PS.107) | Psalm 107 |
73A(MARY) | series of scenes from the life of Mary |
73A141 | naming of John the Baptist; Zacharias writing John's name |
73A21 | tree of Jesse: genealogical tree showing Christ's ancestors, sprouting from Jesse's loins |
73A2332 | annunciation of the birth of Mary to Joachim by an angel |
73A2341 | annunciation of the birth of Mary to Anna by an angel |
73A235 | meeting of Anna and Joachim at the Golden Gate; they usually embrace or kiss each other (immaculate conception of Mary) |
73A2353 | Joachim's thank-offering for Anna's pregnancy |
73A31 | birth of Mary |
73A331 | Anna teaching Mary to read |
73A34 | dedication (or presentation) of Mary in the temple: she ascends the steps and is received by the high priest |
73A4241 | Joseph at work in his carpenter's workshop |
73A52 | the Annunciation: Mary, usually reading, is visited by the angel |
73A6 | the Visitation |
73A64 | Mary magnifying the Lord ('Magnificat') |
73B125 | Mary and Joseph find shelter in a stable - story of the birth of Christ |
73B13 | Mary, Joseph and the new-born Christ (Nativity) |
73B13*A | Mary and the new-born Christ (Nativity) without Joseph |
73B14 | The annunciation of Christ's birth to the shepherds (and/or shepherdesses) at night; a host of singing angels in the air |
73B141 | the shepherds go to Bethlehem - the birth of Christ |
73B25 | adoration of the Christ-child by the shepherds; Mary and Joseph present |
73B25*A | adoration of the Virgin and Christ-child by the shepherds, Joseph not present |
73B4 | presentation of the Christ-child in the temple, usually Simeon and Anna present |
73B42 | Simeon, holding the Christ-child, sings his canticle: 'Nunc dimittis' |
73B5 | the story of the three Wise Men (kings or Magi) |
73B57 | adoration of the kings: the Wise Men present their gifts to the Christ-child (gold, frankincense and myrrh) |
73B64 | flight into Egypt and miracles during the journey |
73B69 | the Holy Family (and sometimes others) returning to Israel |
73B721 | Joseph with the Christ-child (and Mary) in his carpenter's workshop - daily life in Nazareth |
73B732 | Mary teaches the Christ-child to read |
73B81 | Holy Family (alone), 'Trinitas terrestris' |
73B821 | Holy Family with John the Baptist (as child) |
73B831 | Mary and the Christ-child with John the Baptist (as child) |
73B93 | Christ's dispute with the doctors in the temple |
73B931 | Christ found by his parents - Christ's dispute with the doctors in the temple |
73C11 | John the Baptist preaching (perhaps Christ among the bystanders) |
73C113 | John the Baptist identifies Christ as the Lamb of God ('Ecce Agnus Dei') |
73C121 | baptism of Christ in the river Jordan: John the Baptist pouring out water on Christ's head: the Holy Ghost descends |
73C121*A | Christ alone as the Holy Ghost descends - baptism of Christ in the river Jordan |
73C1333 | the beheading of John the Baptist |
73C1335 | Salome gives the head of John the Baptist to her mother |
73C313 | Christ rebuking the winds |
73C323 | Peter steps out of the boat and tries to walk on the water towards Christ - story of Christ walking on the water |
73C324 | Christ saves Peter from drowning |
73C33 | the miraculous draught of fishes (before the Resurrection) on the Lake of Gennesaret (Sea of Galilee); James and John helping to bring in the nets |
73C4 | miracles of Christ - healing the sick |
73C411 | Christ healing a blind man at Bethsaida |
73C412 | healing of a man born blind: Christ touches his eyes with an 'ointment' of dust and spittle |
73C414 | healing of two blind men, or one (Bartimaeus), sitting near Jericho - miracles of Christ |
73C423 | the centurion of Capernaum, kneeling before Christ, begs him to heal his paralytic servant (or son) |
73C511 | Christ touches the bier of the son of the widow of Nain: the young man sits up - miracles of Christ |
73C523 | the raising of Lazarus ('Lazarus, come out') |
73C53 | raising of the daughter of Jairus - miracles of Christ |
73C611 | the marriage-feast at Cana |
73C6113 | Christ orders (six) jars to be filled with water - marriage-feast at Cana |
73C612 | multiplication of loaves and fishes for a multitude of four or five thousand people - miracles of Christ |
73C7111 | calling of Peter and Andrew |
73C71112 | calling of Peter and Andrew: Andrew recognizes in Christ the Messiah |
73C7112 | calling of Peter and Andrew; they are called away from their fishing-boat |
73C7113 | calling of the apostles James and John, the sons of Zebedee |
73C71141 | calling of Philip and Nathanael (Bartholomew): Philip follows Christ |
73C71142 | calling of Philip and Nathanael (Bartholomew): Philip finds Nathanael under a fig-tree and brings him to Christ |
73C7115 | calling of Matthew (Levi), the tax-collector (usually with money lying on the table and people paying taxes) |
73C71242 | Christ gives the keys of heaven to Peter |
73C713 | the Transfiguration: Moses and Elijah appear on either side of Christ on Mount Tabor |
73C721311 | Christ calls a child and sets it in the midst of the apostles (disciples): 'unless you ... become like children' |
73C7216 | Christ talking with Nicodemus at night |
73C7223 | Christ in the house of Martha and Mary |
73C72231 | Martha serving or preparing food in the kitchen; Mary sits at Christ's feet, listening - Christ in the house of Martha and Mary |
73C72231*A | Mary sits at Christ's feet, listening - Christ in the house of Martha and Mary |
73C72233 | Christ's answer to Martha who complains about Mary: 'Mary has chosen the good portion ...' - Christ in the house of Martha and Mary |
73C7224 | Christ blessing children brought by their mothers |
73C72621 | a woman washes Christ's feet with her tears, and wipes them with her hair |
73C727 | Christ's sermon on the mount |
73C73 | Christ preaching or teaching (in general) |
73C7471 | I am the light of the world' - sayings of Christ |
73C7472 | I am the bread of life' - sayings of Christ |
73C7473 | 'I am the true vine' - sayings of Christ |
73C7478 | 'Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden' - sayings of Christ |
73C771 | beatitudes of the sermon on the mount |
73C811 | the sower - parable of Christ |
73C822 | the lost sheep sought and found by the shepherd - parable of the good shepherd |
73C843 | the talents or pounds - parable of Christ |
73C8433 | after the return of the lord the servants account for their debts and are rewarded accordingly - the talents or pounds - parable of Christ |
73C861 | the good Samaritan |
73C8611 | the traveller is attacked by robbers - parable of the good Samaritan |
73C8613 | a Samaritan tending the wounds of the traveller - the good Samaritan |
73D132 | Christ's feet are anointed by Mary Magdalene - meal at Bethany |
73D14 | entry into Jerusalem: people spreading their clothes before Christ on the ass, and waving palm branches |
73D24 | the Last Supper |
73D244 | institution of the Eucharist, i.e. Christ showing or blessing bread (host) and/or wine |
73D31 | Gethsemane, Mount of Olives |
73D312 | Gethsemane, Mount of Olives, 'Oelberg': Christ's prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane during the night |
73D314 | the arrest of Christ - Garden of Gethsemane |
73D3141 | Peter draws his sword and cuts off Malchus' ear |
73D322 | Christ before the Sanhedrin with Caiaphas as high priest, and possibly Annas - trial of Christ |
73D323 | Christ before Pontius Pilate - trial of Christ |
73D3321 | the crowing cock - denial of Peter |
73D343 | death of Judas: Judas hanging himself |
73D351 | flagellation by soldiers, Christ usually tied to a column - tortures of Christ |
73D352 | the crowning with thorns: soldiers with sticks place a thorny crown on Christ's head and give him a reed |
73D3532 | Christ is mocked by soldiers in Pilate's palace |
73D41 | carrying of the cross: Christ bearing the cross, alone or with the help of others |
73D411 | Christ collapsing - carrying of the cross |
73D413 | Christ meets Mary, who sometimes swoons - Christ carrying the cross |
73D415 | Christ meets Veronica, who has a cloth to wipe Christ's face - carrying of the cross |
73D58 | the superscription: I(esus) N(azarenus) R(ex) I(udaeorum) - Christ's crucifixion |
73D6 | the crucifixion of Christ: Christ's death on the cross; Golgotha |
73D625*A | John comforts Mary or leads her to his home after the crucifixion. |
73D625*C | Women watching the crucifixion from a distance - the crucifixion of Christ |
73D6251 | woman, behold, your son ...' - saying of Christ on the cross |
73D631 | the centurion confessing his belief in Christ; sometimes the soldiers do the same - the crucifixion of Christ: Christ's death on the cross |
73D641 | Crucified Christ with Mary and John on either side of the cross; Holy Rood |
73D642 | crucified Christ with Mary Magdalene, who usually weeps and embraces the cross |
73D643 | crucified Christ with Mary, John, and Mary Magdalene |
73D644 | crucified Christ with Stephaton and/or Longinus |
73D646 | Crucified Christ with other persons |
73D66 | Christ on the cross on Golgotha (alone, without bystanders) |
73D661 | the three crosses with the crucified, without bystanders |
73D672 | (the skull or skeleton of) Adam at the foot of the cross of Christ - the crucifixion of Christ |
73D674 | sun and moon in the sky at either side of the cross of Christ |
73D69 | Joseph of Arimathaea asks Pilate for the body of Christ |
73D71 | descent from the cross: Christ is taken down from the cross |
73D714 | the empty cross(es) on Calvary - the Passion of Christ |
73D72 | the mourning over the dead Christ |
73D722 | Pietà, 'Vesperbild', 'Marienklage': Christ, either with or without crown of thorns, mourned by Mary |
73D76 | Christ's entombment |
73D8 | the instruments of the Passion and the five wounded limbs |
73D82(COLUMN) | column (of the flagellation) - instruments of the Passion |
73D82(CROWN OF THORNS) | crown of thorns - instruments of the Passion |
73D82(DICE) | dice - instruments of the Passion |
73D82(FLAGELLUM) | flagellum - instruments of the Passion |
73D82(NAILS) | nails - instruments of the Passion |
73D82(SEAMLESS GARMENT) | seamless garment - instruments of the Passion |
73D9 | Christ in the underworld, harrowing of hell, Christ in Limbo, 'descensus ad inferos', 'Anastasis' |
73E12 | Christ, usually holding a banner, arises from the grave; often combined with sleeping and/or frightened soldiers |
73E15 | the risen Christ (with wounds, but without crown of thorns), sometimes holding the cross or a banner |
73E16 | frightened and/or sleeping soldiers at the tomb of Christ |
73E21 | angel(s) in or at the empty tomb of Christ |
73E22 | the holy women (the three Marys) on their way to or at the tomb, to anoint Christ's body |
73E23 | the empty tomb: angel(s) addressing the holy women - Resurrection of Christ |
73E25 | John, Peter and Mary Magdalene approaching the open tomb of Christ |
73E251 | Peter and/or John make sure that the tomb of Christ is empty |
73E31 | Mary Magdalene meets the Risen Christ; 'Noli me tangere' |
73E32 | Christ, perhaps dressed as a pilgrim, appearing to his mother, who is usually shown praying |
73E34 | the journey to Emmaus: two disciples (Cleopas and Peter) under way |
73E343 | the supper at Emmaus: Christ is recognized while blessing or breaking the bread |
73E36 | the incredulity of Thomas |
73E376 | mission of Peter ('Pasce oves meas') |
73E42 | the Ascension |
73E422 | Christ aloft in the sky - Ascension |
73E427 | Christ ascends into heaven; apostles (and Mary) beneath |
73E5 | Pentecost: the Holy Ghost descends upon (Mary and) the apostles, sometimes Paul and/or representatives of the nations present |
73E511 | the high priest Jechonias is punished for trying to overturn Mary's bier: his hands stick to it - Mary's death |
73E75 | the entombment of Mary |
73E751 | the funeral procession - Mary's death |
73E77 | the assumption of Mary ('assumptio corporis'): she is borne into heaven by angels |
73E792 | coronation of Mary by Christ |
73F21261 | works of charity of Tabitha: she makes clothes for the poor |
73F2131 | Cornelius the Centurion and the angel |
73F2135 | Peter in the house of Cornelius: the Holy Ghost descends upon Cornelius and his family, who are baptized by Peter |
73F2144 | the angel leads Peter past the sleeping guards - Peter persecuted in Jerusalem |
73F2212 | on the way to Damascus Christ appears to Saul, who falls from his horse and is blinded by the light - the conversion of Paul |
73F2215 | Ananias restores Saul's sight by laying on hands |
73F222 | disciples let Paul down the wall of the city in a basket |
73F22335 | Paul in Athens: on the Areopagus he discusses with philosophers (in front of the temple of Mars) |
73F223361 | Paul in the workshop of Aquila and Priscilla, who may be shown weaving and spinning |
73F2236211 | Paul tells of his early training 'at the feet of Gamaliel' |
73F223722 | the shipwreck on the coast of Malta (Melita) - Paul's journey to Rome |
73F223731 | Paul healing other sick people on Malta |
73F2237422 | Paul in prison visited by Luke - missionary journeys of Paul |
73F22382 | Paul preaching or disputing |
73F232 | life and acts of John the Evangelist - John preaching |
73F2432 | on the way to his execution James converts Josias, a constable - life and acts of James the Great (the Elder) |
73F2634 | Philip baptizes the Eunuch |
73F3142 | martyrdom and death of James 'the Less' or 'Adelphotheos': James is stoned, or beaten to death (with a fuller's club) |
73F352 | Stephen giving alms |
73F3563 | the stoning of Stephen; the witnesses lay down their clothes at Saul's feet |
73F4 | epistles of the apostles |
73F414*A | The Good Soldier of Christ or Christian Warrior, often denoted by the Red Cross, with the Armour of God. |
73F421*A | Paul instructing Timothy - epistles of Paul to Timothy |
73F44 | epistle of James |
73F47 | epistle of Jude |
73G11 | John (writing) on the island of Patmos, possibly the eagle beside him |
73G13 | John's letters to the seven churches |
73G22 | the vision of the Lamb and the book with the seven seals |
73G3*A | the angel with the golden censer - Revelation 6–11 |
73G31 | the opening of the seven seals - Revelation of John |
73G311 | the four horsemen of the Apocalypse |
73G33*A | the four winds |
73G34 | the mighty angel with the little open book in his hands: he is wrapped in a cloud; his legs are pillars of fire, which stand one on land and one in the sea - Apocalypse |
73G412 | Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon and his followers; the dragon (Devil, Satan) is cast out of heaven |
73G44 | adoration of the Lamb on Mount Sion by the 144-thousand - Apocalypse |
73G531 | the horseman whose name was Faithful and True (Christ) with his heavenly army |
73G532 | the battle between the beast (Antichrist), the false prophet, and the horseman with his army |
82A(ARTHUR) | King Arthur |
82A(DANTE) | Dante, author of the Divine Comedy |
82A(GALAHAD) | Galahad |
82A(GALAHAD)*A | Galahad's vision of the grail |
92F28(ROD OF AESCULAPIUS) | rod or staff of Aesculapius |
98B(ARISTOTLE) | Aristotle, Greek philosopher |
98B(HOMER) | Homer, Greek poet |