Browse artists, designers and studios


Abbot, Lindsay
Aikman, William, 1868–1959
Almquist, Carl, 1848-1924
Anderson, Petri, AMGP
Anderson, William Ellery
Archer, Dorothy
Armitage, E. Liddall, 1887-1967
Armstead, Henry Hugh, RA, 1828-1905

Bacon Brothers, Percy, about 1880–1934
Baillie, Thomas, 1815-1883
Baily, Dom Theodore, OSB, 1898-1966
Baker, Arthur, 1842-1897
Baker, F. M.
Ballantine and Son, James, about 1828–about 1940
Barbieri, Giovanni Francesco, Guercino, 1591-1666
Barkentin, J
Barker, E. H. Lingen
Barnard, Leonard William, 1870-1951
Bath, (family) Henry James and Magaret
Beach, Reg
Belham & Co., S., established 1865
Bell, Alfred, 1832-1895
Bell & Son, Joseph, 1840-1996
Bell & Almond, , 1866-1872
Bellini, Giovanni, 1430-1516
Benwell, Bryony
Bessant, Idwal Brian, 1939-
Bewsey, John C. N., died 1940
Blackford, J.
Blomfield, Sir Arthur, 1829-1899
Bodley, George Frederick, 1827-1907
Bodley & Garner, , 1869-1896
Bordone, Paris, 1500-1571
Botticelli, workshop of Sandro
Boulton & Sons, R. L., 1838-
Bouvier, Augustus Jules, about 1825-1881
Brady, Barry
Brandon, David, 1813-1897
Bristow Wadley & Co. Ltd., , est. 1909
Brockway, Harry, 1958–2024
Brown, Ford Madox, 1821-1893
Brown, J. W., 1842-1928
Bruce Vaughan, E. M.
Bryans, Herbert, 1856-1925
Buckeridge, Charles, 1832/3–73
Buckfast Abbey,
Bucknall, Benjamin, 1833-1895
Budd, Jim
Bunton, Kenneth
Burges, William, 1827-1881
Burlison & Grylls, , 1868-1953
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward Coley, 1833-1898
Butterfield, William, 1814-1900

Camm, Walter, 1881-1967
Camm & Co., , c. 1866 - c. 1950
Camm & Co., T. W. , 1888-1960
Campbell, Charles, died 1896
Caröe, W. D., 1857–1938
Carter, John, 1848–1901
Carter, John Coates, 1859-1927
Casolani, Henry, 1817–1885
Celtic Studios, , 1948–1993
Celtic Yard, , 1992–2000
Chance Brothers & Co.,
Chapel Studio, , established 1973
Christian, Ewan, 1814-1895
Clark, P. Lindsey
Clarke, Harry, 1889-1931
Clarke, William
Classical Glass, , established 1991
Clayton & Bell, , 1855-1993
Cole, Frederick W., 1908–1998
Cole, Herbert
Collard, James Lewis
Comper, Sir Ninian, 1864-1960
Constance, H. J.
Cook, G. E., 1844-1914
Coomber, Roy Walter, born 1930
Correggio, , c.1494-1534
Cox, Trena, 1895-1980
Cox & Son, , about 1853–1921
Crichton-Stuart, John Patrick, Third Marquess of Bute KT, 1847-1900
Crisp, Sara
Crombie, James A., 1913–2000
Croney, E. G.
Crossley, F. H.
Curtis, T. F., 1845-1924

da Conegliano, Cima, 1459-1517
Daniells & Fricker, , about 1916–27
Daniels, George, 1854–1940
Dapré, Dom. Vincent
Davies, A. J., 1877-1953
Davies, Gwendoline, 1882-1951
Davies, Revd J. D., 1831-1911
Davies, James
Davies-Evans, Col. Herbert, 1842-1928
Davis, Herbert
de Caumont, Jan, 1577–1659
Dearle, John Henry, died 1932
della Robbia, Andrea
Dixon, W. F., 1848–1928
Doggett, Moira, 1927-
Done & Davies, , 1859-1873
Douglas, John, 1829-1911
Doyle, H. M., 1913–2001
Drake & Sons, , c. 1865–1957
Durst, Alan, 1883-1970
Dykes-Bower, Stephen, 1903-1994

Earp, Thomas, 1828-1893
Easton, Hugh, 1906-1965
Eden, F. C., 1864-1944
Edmundson, Elizabeth
Edmundson & Sons, , 1854-1890
Edwards, Carl J., 1914-1985
Edwards, John
Erridge, A. F., 1899-1961
Evans, Bryan Tobias
Evans, David, 1793-1861
Evans, Powys, 1899-1981
Evans, Samuel, died 1915
Evetts, Leonard Charles, 1909-1997
Exell, John

F. R. Bates, Son & Price,
Farrar Bell, Michael C., 1911–1993
Feeny, Patrick, 1910-1996
Ferlito, Mario, 1922-
Ferrey, Benjamin, 1810-1880
Ferrey, Edmund Benjamin, 1845-1900
Folkard, Edward
Forrest & Bromley,
Forsyth, James, 1826-1910
Foster, Thomas
Fowler, Charles Busteed, fl.1890s
Fowler, J. B.
Frampton, Edward, 1845-1928
Fucigna, Ceccardo
Fulleylove, Joan, 1886–1947

Gamon, Gilbert Percival, 1871-1941
Gamon & Humphry,
Geddes, Wilhelmina, 1887–1955
Geflowski, E. Edward
Gibbs & Co., Alexander, 1858–1915
Gibson, John
Gill, Eric, 1882-1940
Glantawe Studios, , established around 1982
Glasby, William, 1863-1941
Glasslight Studios,
Goble, Tony, 1943-2007
Goddard & Gibbs, , established 1868
Gray, C. E. G.
Griffith, M. F.
Gronow, T. E.

Hagreen, Philip, 1890-1988
Hall & Sons, John, founded 1788
Halliday, G. E., 1858-1922
Hardman & Co., John, 1838-2008
Hardy, Janet
Hare, Cecil Greenwood, 1875-1932
Harrison, Thomas Erat, 1858-1917
Harry Clarke Stained Glass Ltd, , 1886-1973
Hawes, J. C.
Haycock, Fred
Hayman, Roger
Hean, Charles
Heaton, Clement, 1861-1940
Heaton, Butler & Bayne, , 1852-1953
Hemming, A. O., 1843-1907
Henderson, Allan R.
Hiller, Henry Gustave, 1864-1946
Hiscott, Amber
Hitch, Frederick Brook, 1877-1957
Hitch, Nathaniel, 1846-1938
Hogan, James, 1883-1948
Holiday, Henry, 1839-1927
Hope, Polly
Horner, Henry P.
Howard, F. E., 1888-1934
Howson, Joan, 1885-1964
Hughes, Harold
Hughes, Wyndham Hope, 1849–1948
Hunt, George J.

Isenbrant, Adriaan

Jackson, Sir Thomas Graham, 1835-1924
Jenkins, William David
Jenkinson, Countess of Maidstone , d.1932
Jennings, John J., 1848-1919
John, Augustus
John, Gwen, 1876-1939
John, William Goscombe, 1860–1952
Johnson, Edwin Arthur, died 1914
Jones, Catrin, 1960-
Jones, Colin, 1928-1967
Jones, John, d. 1865
Jones, Jonah, 1919-2004
Jones & Willis Ltd, , established about 1847

Kempe & Co Ltd, C.E., 1868-1934
Kempson, F. R.
Kennedy, Henry
Kettlewell, Doritie, 1916-2014
Kettlewell, Molly, 1914-1999
King, Dennis, 1912-1995
King, Richard, 1907-1974
Kirby, Edmund, 1838-c.1901
Krechler, Jaroslav

Lambert, G. F., 1842/3-1926
Lane, H.
Lavers, Barraud & Westlake, , 1855-1920s
Lee, Lawrence, 1909-2011
Lemmon, A. E., 1890-1963
Lewis, Roy
Lewis, Tim, 1940–2025
Lewis, Sir William Thomas, First Baron Merthyr of Senghenydd, 1837-1914
Linden Glass Studios, , about 1975-1995
Londonderry, (family)
Lougher, D.J.
Loveys, Caroline
Lowe, Deborah
Lowndes, Mary, 1857–1929
Lowndes & Drury, , 1897–1973
Luxford Studios, , established 1946

Maerchant, G. L.
Maile & Son, G., 1785–1990s
Mann, Frank
Mantegna, Andrea, about 1431-1506
Martin, Howard, 1907-1972
Matthews, Leonard, fl. 1920s–1950s
Mayer & Co., , established 1847
Melling, William
Meredith, Joyce, 1892–1962
Meridian Stained Glass, , established 1992
Middleton, John, 1820-1885
Mileham, C. H. M., 1837-1917
Miller, William, 1803-after 1881
Moore, A. L., 1849-1939
Moore, Rupert, 1904–1982
Moore & Son, A. L., about 1874-1952
Morgan, Gareth
Morris, Colwyn, died 2011
Morris, William, 1834-1896
Morris & Co (Westminster), William, about 1901-1958
Morris & Co., , 1861-1947
Mother Concordia,
Mowbray & Co., A. R.
Murray, H. G., 1852–1929
Myers, George, 1803-1875

Nash, John, 1752-1835
Nesfield, William Eden, 1835-1888
Newbery, Robert J., 1861-1940
Newton Whitely, J.
Nicholson, Thomas, 1823-1895
Nicholson & Sons,
Nicholson Stained Glass Studios, A. K., 1890s–1960s
Nicolas, L
Norris, Dom Charles, died 2004
North, Herbert Luck
Norton, John, 1823-1904
Nuttgens, J. A. , born 1941
Nuttgens, J. E., 1892–1982

O'Connor, Michael, 1801-1867
O'Connor, Michael and Arthur

Pace, George, 1915-1975
Paley & Austin, , 1867-1916
Parlby, George Measures, 1856–1944
Parsons, Karl, 1884-1934
Pearce Ltd, William, 1890s-1930s
Pearson, John Loughborough, RA, 1817-1897
Pendle Stained Glass Ltd,
Penson, R. K., 1816-1886
Penson, Thomas, 1790-1859
Penwarden, Ernest
Petts, John, 1914-1991
Phillips, Christian
Phillips, Rachel
Phillips, William, died 1985
Porter, J. M., 1863-1942
Powell, Charles, 1850/51-1934
Powell, Christopher Charles, 1876-1955
Powell, John Hardman, 1827–1895
Powell & Sons, James, 1834-1980
Poynter, Sir Edward, 1836-1919
Preedy, Frederick, 1820-1898
Prichard, John, 1818–1886
Prior, Fred
Prothero and Phillott,
Pugin, A.W.N., 1812-1852
Pugin & Pugin,

Quail, Paul, 1927/8-2010

Raphael, , 1483-1520
Reni, Guido, 1575-1642
Reyntiens, Patrick, born 1925
Richmond, Sir William, RA, 1842-1921
Ritchie, Archibald, fl. 1835–86
Roberts, E. Wyn
Robinson, A. W., 1888-1955
Robinson, D. W.
Rope, Margaret Agnes, 1882-1953
Roper, Frank, 1914-2000
Rowlands & Co., J. V.
Rowson, G. A.
Ryan, Christian

Salisbury, H. J., about 1891-1920
Salusbury, Theodora, 1875-1956
Salviati & Co., , established 1859
Saunders & Co., , 1869-1880
Savell & Co.,
Scott, Sir George Gilbert, 1811–1878
Scott, John Oldrid
Sedding, John Dando, 1838-1891
Seddon, John Pollard, 1827–1906
Seward & Co., A.
Shields, Frederic, 1833-1911
Shrigley & Hunt, , 1874-1982
Skeat, Francis, born 1909
Skilbeck, Clement, 1865-1954
Smith, Gerald Edward Roberts, 1883-1959
Solaglas Ltd, , established 1982
Spooner, M. D., 1867-1949
St Aubyn, J. P.
Stammers, Harry, 1902-1969
Stannus, Hugh
Stephens, Revd Francis, 1921-2002
Street, George Edmund, 1824-1881
Sumner, Heywood, 1853-1940
Sumner, Maud Francis Eyston, 1902–1985
Swynnerton, Joseph, 1848-1910
Sykes, Steven

Taylor, W. G.
Thedun, Ferreira
Thomas, Hubert, 1913-1995
Thomas, R.G.
Thompson of Peterborough,
Toft, C. G., established 1968
Tolhurst, J. B. L.
Tooth, Louisa
Travers, Martin, 1886-1948
Troughton, Revd John Ellis

Underwood, Henry Jones, 1804-1852

Van Daele,
Vidal, Colette
Voelcker, Adam and Frances, Established 1982
Vulliamy, Edwyn Papendiek
Vulliamy, Lewis, 1791-1871

Wailes, William, 1838-1914
Walker, A. G.
Walker, Arthur, 1891-1966
Walker, Leonard, 1879-1965
Walters, F. A.
Walters, Marjorie
Ward, Arthur L.
Ward & Hughes, , about 1836 - 1920s
Warren, E. P.
Waterhouse, Alfred, 1830-1905
Watts, Mike
Webb, Christopher, 1886-1966
Webb, Geoffrey, 1879-1954
Weightman & Bullen, , established 1912
Weightman & Hadfield, , 1838-58
Westlake, Nathaniel Hubert John, 1833-1921
Whall, Christopher, 1849-1924
Whitcombe, Charles Ford
Whittaker, Helen
Whittington, William
Wilkinson, Alfred L., 1899-1983
Wilkinson, Horace, 1866-1957
Williams, Penry, 1800-1885
Williams, Stephen W., 1837-1899
Willoughby de Broke, Lady Margaret
Wilson, Henry, 1864-1934
Winbolt, John, 1867-1952
Wippell & Co. Ltd, J., founded 1789
Withers, R. J., 1824–94
Woodcock, Evelyn May, ARCA, born 1894
Woodroffe, Paul, 1875-1954
Wooldridge, Harry Ellis, 1845-1917
Woore, Edward A., 1880-1960
Wormleighton, W. Henry
Wyatt, Thomas Henry, 1807-1880
Wynn, (family)

Young, Jill, 1928-2012