Te Deum Windows

  Te Deum Windows

Photo © Martin Crampin


Set of five three-light windows with standing figures of angels and saints.

The first window depicts the archangels Gabriel, Michael and Raphael with seraphim in the quartrefoils and the texts 'To Thee all Angels cry aloud'; 'Holy Holy Holy Lord God of Sabaoth'. The second window depicts the apostles Peter, Paul and John with the dove of the Holy Spirit in the upper quartrefoil and the texts 'The Apostles praise Thee'; ''We praise Thee O God'. The third window depicts Isaiah (who holds an image of the Virgin and Child on a scroll), John the Baptist and Anna with the Agnus Dei in the upper quartrefoil and the texts 'The Prophets praise Thee'; 'We acknowledge Thee to be the Lord'. The fourth window depicts the saints Alban, Stephen and Winefride with the texts 'The Martyrs praise Thee'; 'All the earth doth worship Thee'. The fifth window depicts the saints Cecilia, Chad and Margaret with their usual emblems (organ, Lichfield Cathedral and dragon, respectively) with the texts 'The Holy Church doth acknowledge Thee'; 'Numbered with Thy Saints in glory everlasting'. The upper quartrefolis have emblems of the eucharist and Noah's Ark.

firm/studio: James Powell & Sons
designer: James Hogan
designer: J. W. Brown

Bangor Cathedral, Bangor, Gwynedd
north wall of the north aisle

Record added by Martin Crampin. Last updated on 01-11-2024


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The Apostles praise TheeThe Holy Church doth acknowledge TheeThe Prophets praise TheeTo Thee all Angels cry aloudThe Martyrs praise Thee

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Richard Haslam, Julian Orbach and Adam Voelcker, The Buildings of Wales: Gwynedd (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2009), p. 242.

Martin Crampin, Stained Glass from Welsh Churches (Talybont: Y Lolfa, 2014), p. 171.


Click to show suggested citation for this record
Martin Crampin (ed.), Stained Glass in Wales Catalogue, University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, Aberystwyth, 2024.
https://stainedglass.delweddau.cymru/object/1153 (accessed 29 March 2025)

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